W.J. Usery Distinguished Lecture Series
The annual W.J. Usery Distinguished Lecture Series, inaugurated in 2005, features leading economists addressing important issues in the American workplace. The series honors W.J. Usery, Jr., a former U.S. Secretary of Labor and Distinguished Executive Fellow in Labor Policy at the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies. Bill Usery’s lifetime work contributed to the well-being of workers and the American workplace during his years of service in government and the private sector.

W.J. “Bill” Usery, Jr., a native of Hardwick, Georgia, spent almost four decades in labor-management relations activity, having participated in hundreds of collective bargaining disputes in a wide variety of private industries as well as in the public sector. He was widely recognized as the nation’s top mediator.

Researchers in the Usery Workplace Research Group (UWRG) include researchers—mostly economists—affiliated with the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies. Their focus is on research topics relevant to the workplace, including research on labor market earnings, employment, inequality, education, health, urban, migration, issues of measurement and estimation, and related topics.
Contact Us
Tim Sass, W.J. Usery Chair
Tel: (404) 413-0150
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours
8:30 a.m.–5:15 p.m.
55 Park Place NE
Suite 655
Atlanta, GA 30303